Standalone Python Google Translate application

Self published platformer game created in Unity

procedural content generation for LARPs using ChatGPT

Game Theory
An agent discovering food in fields of a world, and reaching a final goal

Proctor Robotics Training
Researching and producing a robotics training document for the team

CWK4 SpaceWars
Java solution to a fighting game

Github Pages
This website is hosted via github pages using jekyll and ruby! Updates are done regularly by editing and creating HTML files; then pushing the changes to the gh-pages branch

Image Editing
Image editing and creation with paint.net, gimp, and krita

Logic gates
Using the Logisim environment to create and simulate logic diagrams

Computer Aided Design in Autodesk Fusion 360

Web page creation with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Product Design Project
Created a multipurpose toothbrush holder/cleaner

Python Lottery
Lottery game completed for GCSE Computer Science Non-Exam Assessment

Created simple programs in assembly language

Java based solution to a holiday booking system

Grid World
An agent discovering food in fields of a world, and reaching a final goal

Error Catching
Java solutions to error catching

Python experience from school, university, tutoring, and at home

Relational database that stores data about a music festival

VTube Streaming
VTuber content creation on Twitch and YouTube

PC Setup
Built and maintained gaming PC, and repurposed old screens

Pong AI
Simple AI assignment for Harvard Games Development