3D world programmed for the camera to follow player for 2D aesthetic

Creating animation for sprite

Level unlocking code

Collisions Script

In-depth game testing

Game Manager

player movement v7 part1

A self published platformer game created in Unity with C#. This project included research into existing games, careful design choices, client interactions, systems testing, and more. The process was well documented along with all design decisions made, and an analysis of the end result. The project was done using an agile development approach to ensure the client's needs were met as the project progressed and requirements changed. This also meant developing prototypes for the different game systems before creating the game as a whole, and constantly updating scripts after repeated testing. The script for the player's movement went through 7 major updates before it was complete! Each update attempted to approach a solution from a completely different angle. The game required features such as file handling to create and store scoreboards, and save game progress; and public variables (usually handled via interfacing with the game manager script) to connect different objects and scripts. It was a long and involved project that taught me a lot about software development, object-oriented programming in Unity, and problem solving skills. The game features a very simplistic graphics style for a younger audience, with bright colours. Since the project I have dived deeper into Unity and am more confident navigating its environment, and have learnt more object-oriented techniques in general from my studies at university.