SpaceWars backend class

force backend class

battle backend class

Game UI frontend

Game GUI frontend

junit testing modules provided

Gantt Chart

Trello Project Management

Version Control

Java (Object Oriented) text based fighting game, also usable with a simple GUI. Created in IntelliJ iDEA as part of an assignment in 'principles & practices of large scale proramming'. This was a team project which I managed and was responsible for ~80% of the programming. I ensured that communication was established between team members, and that everyone knew what they were required to do and were comfortable with the tasks assigned to them. We had a Trello board which we used as a checklist to indicate which tasks had been completed, were in progress, and still needed to be started. The gantt chart was used to outline our initial expectations for when tasks should be completed, by who, and when they were finally completed. I set up a google drive for file sharing and a small degree of version control. Since there were other softwares that team members needed to learn, and everyone had other modules they were studying, we agreed google drive was ideal due to everyone's familiarity and the simplicity of the service. While Git or GitHub would have been better, the learning curve would have likely taken up too much of our already limited time and taken away from the quality of the overall project as a result. There were some issues with team members not contributing to their respective parts of the project. On the occasions when this happened, I communicated with them to see if they were able to do a smaller part of the task for the next week; sharing the left over work between team members who were able to do so. Due to this method of delegating tasks, we were able to consistently meet our project deadlines, and there was also time for me to complete the challenge task of a simple GUI for the team. The java classes required to be programmed for this project were both front, and back end. There are object classes, interfaces, and uses of inheritance. All modules were properly commented including function uses, parameters, returned values, authors, and version numbers. We were also required to use JUnits to test our program. The tests were provided but needed to be setup, run, understood, and then actioned. I did this iteratively and managed to pass all of the preset tests. While this indicates that our solution is sufficiently functional and efficient, it does not mean that our solution is completely bug free or the most efficient.